• 9 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 2 Worksheets

  • 3 Files

  • How to Stack a Bisque Fire - COMING SOON!

  • How to Arrange Kiln Furniture and Shelving - COMING SOON!

  • "Line of Sight" Loading a Kiln - COMING SOON!

  • Programming a Bisque Fire - COMING SOON!

  • How to Unload a Bisque Fire - COMING SOON!

  • Buying vs Mixing Glazes - COMING SOON!

  • Storing Glazes - COMING SOON!

  • Thin vs. Thick Glazes - COMING SOON!

  • Firing Methods - Copy the Masters - COMING SOON!

  • Cone 6 Porcelain Slip Recipe

  • Clear Glaze Recipe

  • Matte White Glaze Recipe