• 21 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 2 Files

  • Using Bats without Bat Pins

  • Throwing 00 - Weighing & Wedging

  • Throwing 01 - Tulip Mug (using 1lb 2oz / 510g of Clay)

  • Throwing 02 - Preserving Throw Rings on your Mugs (using 1 lb 2 oz / 510g of Clay)

  • Throwing 03 - Using an Hour Glass Profile Rib (using 1 lb 4 oz / 567g of Clay)

  • Throwing 04 - Throwing my Favorite Simon Leach Mug (with 1 lb 6 oz / 624 g of Clay)

  • Throwing 05 - Throwing a Tall Tankard (1 lb 8 oz / 680 g of Clay)

  • Throwing 06 - A Yunomi Style Cup (with 1 lb 6 oz / 624 g of Clay)

  • Throwing 07 - Throwing the Chosen Cup

  • Throwing 08 - Using Metal, Rubber and Foot Ribs

  • Throwing 09 - Debatting your Mugs

  • Hump 01 - Using Bats to Throw Off the Hump

  • Hump 02 - Throwing Small off the Hump

  • Hump 03 - Center the Top of the Hump

  • Hump 04 - Center Two Blocks Together

  • Hump 05 - Throwing Two Dancing Cups off the Hump

  • Trimming 01 - Tap Center Trimming

  • Trimming 02 - Thumb Trimming

  • Trimming 03 - Shear Form Trimming

  • Trimming 04 - Giffin Grip Trimming

  • Stages of Clay (COMING SOON!!!)

  • Tile Spinner (3D Print File)